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If you are in danger, call 911, a local hotline, or the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline.


24/7 Confidential Hotline


Local Outreach Center


24/7 Confidential Hotline

Family Justice Center of Acadiana

718 S. Buchanan, Suite C | Lafayette, LA 70501
Phone: 337-210-5986

What We Do

The Family Justice Center of Acadiana provides a multi-disciplinary team of professionals working together, under one roof to effectively respond to domestic violence. The center houses many partners, but the basic partners are law enforcement, prosecutors, civil legal service providers, and community-based advocates.

The core concept is to provide one place where victims can go to talk to an advocate, plan for their safety, interview with a police officer, meet with a prosecutor, receive civil legal assistance, and receive information on shelter.

Vision Statement

The Family Justice Center of Acadiana will create a society where survivors and children are safe, abusers are held accountable, economic justice is fostered, and families thrive.

Mission Statement

The Family Justice Center of Acadiana is a multi-disciplinary collaborative initiative dedicated to providing an effective response to survivors of family violence.

Our Purpose

The center’s purpose is to provide a safe place for victims to:

TALK TO an advocate

Individual, trauma-informed advocacy and support to adult and child survivors of DV. Get information on domestic violence.


Discuss safety planning specific to your unique circumstances. Complete a Danger Assessment to determine your level of danger. Apply for the Address Confidentiality program.

Obtain civil legal services

Assistance with filing protective orders, access to an advocate to be with you during court proceedings. Obtain attorney representation for protective order hearings. Limited attorney representation for divorce/custody issues.

Interview with a Police Officer

Meeting with law enforcement to complete reports or to deliver supplemental evidence. Pictures/injury documentation.

Receive Prosecution Updates

Get upcoming court dates. Find out which prosecutor is assigned to the criminal case. Ask questions about what to expect during the criminal proceedings. Receive an update on a criminal case.

We can offer:

Comfortable, safe waiting area

Food, drinks provided while on-site

On-site child care

Interview rooms for meeting with victims

Recorded interview room for law enforcement

Closing the Gaps

All agencies working together, sharing information, and pooling
resources to follow the guiding principles below:

Safety focused

Victim centered



Prevention Oriented

Offender Accountability

Financial Donations

Financial Donations are accepted for the Family Justice Center of Acadiana.

You can make an online donation HERE or mail a donation to Faith House, PO Box 93145 Lafayette, LA 70509. Please make a note that your donation is designated for the FJCA.

Our Funding Partners