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Kirk Taylor

Board of Directors

Faith House Board Member

Arnaudville is where I called home as a young child and there are certain ethical foundations built when you begin life in a small-town environment. Some of those core values are simple, I have a strong respect for God, family, and work. I did marry someone who was my friend for years… growing up together before we truly fell in love. For the last 20 years, it was a blessing to have my wife Daisy by my side and we have two beautiful children whom we enjoy raising in the beautiful town of Henderson, LA. Being a lifetime banker is something that came naturally to me and I’m blessed to have the ability to serve within the community because of the organizations I work for. Faith House always had a place in my heart & being able to provide the agency with guidance brings me joy. It was those core values growing up that I feel the families who use the services at Faith House benefit from the most.